Saturday, July 11, 2009

Just in case you thought this was America

I came upon this story today. Apparently the Mormons bought a section of Main Street from the city several years ago and made it part of their Mormonland Temple Funzone (TM), or whatever they call it. I guess since they own it you're not allowed to do anything there that they don't approve of, like kissing a dude on the cheek. I don't know about you, but it seems a bit overkill to ARREST someone for having a gay kiss on the cheek--and anyway, is a kiss on the cheek even gay? I mean, yes, these dudes are gay but I unless they were humping on the lawn then I doubt there is any way the guards could have known that before the kiss on the cheek. No matter though, the cops still picked them up because the Mormons told them to stop being affectionate on their lawn.

1 comment:

  1. Would they arrest the rest of the free world for cheek-kissing? It's a common form of greeting even in the most conservative of countries.
