Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Move

For the most part our move was uneventful, provided you don't count the one or two or three boxes that didn't make it out here. Among the tragically lost items in those boxes:

  • A scrapbook I had made when I taught emotionally handicapped children--including my beloved death threats from the kids
  • My college diploma (framed)
  • My certificate of awesome* from the BMW Driving Academy (framed)

And various other items that I'm sure we will realize are gone months from now when we go looking for them. So far the moving company sent me a "claims form" so that I can request a payment for the items if that can help bring back my "Fuck you Mr. C, Die Die!" and "I'm sorry I said you should die. You're the coolest teacher ever" scrapbook pages!

*Okay, so BMW didn't give out certificates of awesome, but I am sure that I would an inaugural recipient of such an honor if they did. Provided they didn't try to make me pose for it with an X6 or X6M, because those are just nasty.

[UPDATE!] The movers called this morning and they have our missing boxes, so problem solved!


  1. A FRAMED college diploma?! I would never have thought of doing that. My high school diploma is more high falutin' than my college one.

    I'm an emotionally handicapped adult but I'd be more than glad to write you a death threat or two. I just got new markers. Wheeeee!!

    How about a photo tour of the apartment when ya'll get it all unpacked (at least the stuff that made it there). :)

  2. I am here because TMC sent me. And I never disobey.

    We've only made one longish move and the only thing that went missing was our toilet plunger? And I broke a soup mug.

  3. They refused to transport our toilet plunger. They said it was against the law or some such nonsense. We had to take it in the car with us on the drive out. Dumb.

  4. TMC did the bloggy shot out to you peeps and I love her so I had to see what the fuss was about.

    Upon arrival here I realized the fuss was about you moving to SLC. Well my friend I have news for you. I live here in Salt Lake County. Born, raised. I know the tricks and the culture shock that comes with this place. If you need any advice or where to find booze let me know.

  5. Glad to hear you guys made it safely...minus a couple things! Tell Mary we say hi and good luck with her new job.

  6. Sent by TMC and I have to in the world did you find a photo of my last moving day?! And here I thought I was anonymous.

    Next time, I think I'll need a bigger car.


  7. Popping in from TMC's place. Welcome! I, too, am a teacher of students with EBD. Ah, good times, hey?!

    When I first saw that photo, I had some bad thoughts about you; sorry.
